Financial Advisor Coaching Elevates Your Business

Will financial advisor coaching really help take your business to the next level?  Since you’re reading this page, you’ve undoubtedly reached the point where you know that growing or scaling your business will require change.  Streamlining your business, scaling your firm, and living your best life always starts with you—the Advisor CEO—and then aligns your team.

I work with financial advisors like you to systematize your firm’s foundation–your vision, mission, goals, strategies, and action plans–for easy monitoring.  You’ll also define your firm’s niche so your team brings in the right clients.   I can also help your team members individually, as a group, or a bit of both.

"A coach is someone who tells you what you don’t want to hear, who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be."
-- Tom Landry

What Does Consultative Coaching for Financial Advisors Look Like?

Advisors thrive on structure.   Big-picture thinkers may need someone to hold them accountable for implementing changes.   Focused advisors need clarity and new tools to help them move ahead.   When you provide me with your vision and goals, I make it my job to keep you on track and moving ahead–more of a tough love approach with a gentle heart.

My clients hire me because they prefer having someone who speaks their language and provides a mixture of coaching and consulting.  What’s the difference? To sum it up:

“Coaching” is a skill set defined by Thomas Leonard, a former financial planner, and “the father of coaching,” who created the first coaching school in the mid-1980s.  I’m a 2000 graduate and worked for Thomas for 3 years. As your coach, I partner with you to help you reach your goals in life and business. “Consulting” is about problem-solving and reporting on what’s occurring along with advising on changes and actions to take.  I provide you with options, resources, information, and simple—yet different—solutions.  As your business consultant, I provide expertise in managing and marketing your business.
Coaching is a process based on your goals and involves changes in thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors.  My job as a coach is to listen to you, help you clarify your goals, and then provide support as you move towards those goals. As a consultant to many Wall Street B/D firms, I uncovered costly operational issues, provided solutions on running departments more efficiently, and left a report that addressed the next steps.  Often, I was invited to implement the solutions.

Hire Me for Financial Advisor Coaching
(for Business and/or Life) When You Want These Results:

  • Reaching your faster than you’ve been able to do on your own.
  • Becoming a more effective leader and improving team communications.

  • Creating a business and marketing plan and to help your staff manage the business whether you’re away or in the office.
  • Finally learning tactics to subdue stress, overturn overwhelm, and banish burnout!
  • Achieving a obstacles like or bad habits.
  • Clarifying your personal purpose and
  • Gaining to reduce the time spent away from clients.
  • Insert your desired personal or business growth results here…

My goal is to help you identify the gaps in your firm’s growth and to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.  I will help you simplify and make running a business easier by providing you with proven solutions, exercises, templates, videos, and other resources customized to your needs.

Financial Advisor Coaching Involves
3 Types of Planning & Action Taking

Often advisors are missing one (or two) of these three types of planning for growth.  Growth happens, but usually not anywhere near the pace the owner envisioned.  Which are missing in your business?

The 3 Ms: Focus Areas for Financial Advisor Coaching Programs

I help you break through to your next level of success by focusing on three areas. My customized financial advisor coaching services are based on the 3 Ms, to clarify:

1. Mindset
Changing your beliefs, thoughts, and perception around growth.
2. Management
Streamlining and scaling your business processes.
3. Marketing
Creating the best ways to attract new business.
Address burnout concerns Proven systems and processes How to nail your niche
Adopt a top-earner perspective Best practices of top advisors Create deeper connections with clients
Boost your confidence Step-by-step and action-oriented Discover your edge and stand out
Stay accountable Scaling your business Avoid the dangers of spaghetti marketing
Celebrate your wins Leadership skills Engage in effective, efficient, and consistent marketing

Transforming Businesses Globally with Financial Advisor Coaching

I work with financial advisors globally in three ways: one-on-one, in teams or groups, and with DIY materials. This allows you to decide which program best fits your lifestyle, schedule, budget, and learning style.

Since 1998, I’ve coached most of my clients virtually. So, if working virtually with your clients is on your “to-get-done” list, I can help you there, too. Plus, when it’s safe for all, I’ll be meeting with clients who prefer in-person meetings.

Today, start at the page to choose the right financial advisor coaching program for your needs.

How Financial Advisor Consultative Coaching Works
Frequently Asked Questions

Meetings take place online.

We’ll use, Skype, or WhatsApp to meet. All these platforms are free and easy to use. I will talk to you about which app you prefer, as well as show you how to install it (if necessary) and how to join the first call. Most importantly, we will test out the system and download the app of your choice before your first call.

Email Coaching:
If your plan calls for email coaching, I will give you my private email account. You can contact me when you’re stuck, to tell me about a win, to ask for a resource or tool, or to just let me know what you’re up to.

Success Tracker:
You’ll send answers to 7 questions to me prior to the end of the workweek. I will review your document on Friday night and give you the feedback and/or resources you need.

Urgent Calls:
If your plan includes Urgent Call access, give me a call or text and I’ll get back to you ASAP. For example, use these 5-minute calls to get unstuck, talk about something new going on, etc. Don’t stay stuck until your next meeting!

Set aside the equivalent of one day a week to work on your business. Why? I like to use shooting a bow and arrow as an example. When you place the arrow in the bow, you move it back before you let it spring forward. Similarly, while I want you to take action on business development, sometimes you need to learn the system first. Therefore, if you learn the system and use the tools, you’ll make educated decisions. Consequently, you’ll spring ahead with strong intention and clarity. Take the time to understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. You’ll develop your strategic thinking and planning mindset, which—over time—can help you achieve the results you’re seeking.
Monthly programs for solo financial advisors and teams require a 12-month minimum commitment. In addition, coaching is renewable in three-month increments at a monthly rate, or we’ll create a special maintenance program that suits your needs.

I became an operations clerk at Merrill Lynch in 1973. By 1977, I was trading municipal bonds for retail (retail reps and some advisors).

My job was to increase sales at Bear Stearns; I doubled the retail sales in a year. At the trading desk, I fixed issues with trade problems—not only in my units but for the entire department. My knack for getting results earned me quite a reputation. “Oh, that’s a Maria problem,” the traders would say. “Give it to her. She’ll fix it.”

Likewise, I became the “go-to” person for any department that had an issue with municipal bonds. Fast forward five years, I asked for a transfer to operations-admin, because I realized that I loved “fixing things” or finding simple solutions to complex problems.

I worked as Bear Stearns’ first Internal Consultant and was sent into the Corporate Bond Department, New Accounts, Accounting, IT, Purchasing, and various other departments to “fix things,” then leave documentation of all changes and new systems with the managers.

Additionally, because so many of the principles I teach are universal business best practices, I have worked with owners in more than 35 industries. That includes industries such as chiropractic, software, IT, web design, massage therapy, business management, law, architecture, coaching, health products, and many more. In the same vein, you bring to the table your expertise from all the work you’ve done and all the courses you’ve taken in your industry.

Similarly, I will bring to the table my business consulting expertise, life coach training, and all the tools I have developed over the past 20 years.

Certainly, that’s a recipe for more growth, great clients, and a better life.

First, every business owner gets a Free Session. This is an opportunity to:

a) Discover what’s really causing the challenges in your business—not just the symptoms but, rather, the source of your challenges.

b) Take a snapshot of where you are today compared to where you want to be.

c) Get some insights and solutions for growing past any obstacles.

Pre-qualify for a free call here:

1) While I work with you strategically, I also work with you tactically. In other words, I help you get things done.

2) Clients who have purchased coaching elsewhere tell me that I give them much more than their other coaches did. I think what they’re noticing is the consulting part of what I offer clients.

3) While I’m a tough-love, no-nonsense type of coach, I’m also very compassionate.

4) I have fired clients who don’t do the work to which they commit. That is to say, I don’t want to take money knowing you won’t get results due to inaction.

Financing is not available and I prefer that my clients NOT go into debt to obtain my services.

However, I look to offer advisors programs at various price points. If you’re going through a difficult time, contact me and I’ll see what program may offer you the help you’re seeking.

Some program end dates are known: a 1-hour session, 1-day course, weekend event, etc.

The Business Advisor Mastery program term is 12 months. However, the program depends on the systems you have in place, your discipline in completing your “happy homework,” and your willingness to change.

Stage One: Getting Your Business in Order takes 6 to 18 months. During this stage, you’ll review your business from the ground up and strengthen its foundational systems. In short, this is usually the longest of the 3 stages.

Stage Two: Growing Your Business typically takes 9 to 12 months. It often includes life coaching. Every business and business owner is different, and individuals progress at their own rate. Some clients determine that they want to continue after Stage 2.

Stage 3: Maintenance While we don’t work together as much, I offer discounts if we continue our working relationship monthly or from time to time.

I offer consultation, coaching, and speaking services.

While my coaching programs are designed to meet the needs of most professionals, some clients require additional services. For example, my team offers DISC behavioral assessments with an expert debrief, social media automation (posting to social profiles on your behalf, etc.), and onsite services (in which a coach visits your office and team in person). These services are available for an additional fee and are offered both virtually and in person.

Absolutely. I work with millionaires, too. Business systems can always be improved to help you get to the next level of success.

If you’re working over 35 hours a week, there are areas of your business that can benefit from my programs.

In addition, if you’re too busy in your professional life to enjoy the fruits of your labor, we can work on that.

One of the most important benefits that my clients report is a more full-filled life. That’s in addition to “breathing easier” because more of their business is working on its own.