Advisors: Build Your Credibility Using FREE This Public Relation Technology

Published On: September 30th, 2019 - 6 min read - Categories: 3. Marketing - 0 Comments on Advisors: Build Your Credibility Using FREE This Public Relation Technology -
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Today’s tip is a no-cost-to-you opportunity, for advisors and business owners, to be “published”, possibly by a top publication by providing your advice or opinion, in a few sentences or a paragraph to a journalist.

That’s how I was published in Entrepreneur Magazine, Huffington Post, and a few other major publications. And I’ve been interviewed by a variety of marketing and business podcasters, too.  You can see some of the publications we’ve been featured or quoted in on our homepage at

HARO was started in around 2007 by Peter Shankman as a Facebook Group. That’s where I originally found it. It grew exponentially and Peter moved it to it’s own website and database list. He sold the database 3 years after it started, for over 1 million dollars in 2010. Now it’s owned by CISION.


What’s HARO? Help A Reporter Out

It’s a reciprocal database that journalists, writers, editors, podcasters, and bloggers go to for expert advice. They might ask for a quote, answer to a question, tip, or look for people they want to interview, etc.

It’s possible that they’ll like what you submit (via email) and they publish it in their periodical or want to Interview you. If they do publish you, they’ll list your name, as the source, and possible other information about you such as your title, the name of your firm, Twitter address, or other information about you. They decide what get’s published.

I’m sure you’ve seen quotes and the opinion of others in articles. An article is more interesting when you read a case study or tip from an expert other than the writer.

Plus, if you are the editor of a blog or podcast interviewer you can submit an inquiry to HARO — I certainly do.

Get Published

Who would have known years ago that tips on helping business owners save time would end up in in two Entrepreneur Magazine articles? You see, sometimes the “source” of the article isn’t known.

Years ago, when I first joined HARO, I saw few inquires for financial advisors and many for business owners. Today, authors are looking for you. There is a very important rule to follow regarding sending in your tips. Make sure that you only answer their inquiry the way they ask, with the information they ask. Otherwise, you may be reported by the journalist because you’re not following the inquiry and will be removed from the database.

Here’s how to get involved in HARO:

1. Visit HARO

2. Sign up for the list(s) that are pertinent to your firm (like business and finance) or are about your ideal clients. Each day you or our assistant will receive 3 inquiry lists (that’s 3 emails).

3. On the top of each HARO email you’ll be shown the topic of the current inquires. If you think you can answer the inquiry you can click on the link to the whole inquiry. Now every inquiry contains an encrypted email address that goes to the writer of the inquiry. You’ll also see the information they’re looking for and a deadline. Some inquiries have a due date of today. That’s because a writer was given a last minute article to write or they need more information in an article they’ve written. Other times you’ll get a deadline of a day to a week or two.

4. You wait. The journalist will contact you if they need more information. Some will send you the completed article once it’s published, but more often I find that my tip or advice has been used when I get a Google Alert (you can set one up for your name, too.)

NOTE: Once you get an idea of how HARO can provide you with PR opportunities, I recommend delegating the task of watching for opportunities to a team member.



1) In my opinion, and based on my use and experience, it’s the best list of it’s kind and has a excellent history. Mention HARO to a writer or PR person and they’ll know it.

2) It’s free to use, although it can take 10 -15 minutes to monitor and then time to answer an inquiry.  Your assistant should monitor it, not you!

3) It’s open to anyone who speaks English, as it’s written in English.  Watch the inquiries for mention that they want people to answer who are from a particular state, providence, or city to answer a tip. Don’t waste your time answering it if you don’t qualify.

4) One of the ways to build credibility and trustability as an expert in your field, is to be published as an expert.

5) It’s a great way to get your name and firm out into the world. (Of course, I know you’ll consider what compliance will think when you answer their inquiries.) Some inquiries you might not be able to answer due to time constraints.  Other answers, you might have a few days to answer and plenty of time to get things checked.  Put your assistant in charge of this task, too.



If you are a member of HARO you could have answered this inquiry by submitting an answer using the email address you joined HARO with.


9) Summary: Determining Your Financial Priorities

Name: Private

Category: Business and Finance

Email: [email protected]

Media Outlet: Springleaf

Deadline: 7:00 PM MST – 26 August


How should consumers determine their financial priorities? Tips for deciding what’s  Important, and then sticking with a financial plan.


Prefer a financial planning expert or behavioral specialist.

Other PR Resources

You know about HARO and there are two other resources I recommend (these are paid resources)  Like Annie Jennings PR or submit a Press Release to ProfNet  which are excellent services.

What to Do After You’re Published

If your quote appears in a big name magazine, off or online, use it to your full advantage. Below are some suggestions on how to use this new found expert status.

1) Put it on your website and add it to your newsletter list.  I’m sure that you’ve been to a website and seen “As Seen In” and then a list of logo’s from TV, magazines, etc. Some of those logo are there because they used HARO or hired a PR firm to help them get on those platforms.

2) Obtain copies of the article and send them to your clients in your next mailing.

3) Write about your honor in your blog.

4) Bring the article to your networking groups and tell any association you’re a member about the honor. Often the organizations you’re a member of will published a little blurb about you being published in the NEWS section of their newsletter or website.

5) If your quotes end up in a magazine, bring a few copies of the magazines or articles to the meeting to share with the prospect.

The ways you can use the document are endless, for sure!

If you have additional questions about this tip use the comment area below and I’ll be sure to get our inquiry and answer it.


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(c) 2010, Updated 2019 Coach Maria, Elevating Your Business

About The Author

An irrepressible entrepreneur, Maria Marsala sold AVON at age 14 and landed on Wall Street three years later. She became a bond trader when female executives were as rare as pink diamonds. For 25 years, Maria streamlined Fortune 500 companies, nurtured non-profits, and discovered her niche—mentoring women CEOs and executives. Armed with corporate secrets and life coach credentials, Maria founded Elevating Your Business to help female financial professionals live better using her proprietary brand of consultative-coaching. Contact Maria today and take the first step toward freedom, full-fillment, and a sparkling quality of life! Contact me now!

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